

Are you ready to make that positive change? Get in touch for your FREE Strategy Session

Your free strategy session is where we work on your roadmap  to recovery and discover whether the  ConfidenceControl system is a good fit for you going forward . It is important that we both feel comfortable working together and are satisfied that you can make that lasting, positive change that you have been searching for. If we are both happy that we can work together to reach your goals, then we can discuss moving forward with a custom, individualised program to suit your needs.

All sessions are conducted online where you connect from the comfort and safety of your own private space.

The question you need to ask yourself is: “What will it cost me if I don’t make this important change in my life?”

Create a unique plan to suit you needs

Get in touch today to enquire about our rates and to create a plan that suits your needs. 

confidence control

Kick your Imposter Syndrome out!

We are all born confident – with high self-esteem – but our confidence often takes multiple blows from negative life experiences. This results in low self-esteem and the various problems associated with this, which leads to an unfulfilled life.

Confidence Control offers a holistic approach to rebuilding your confidence and empowers you to live your best life. I offer a unique and comprehensive solution that addresses the root causes of low self-confidence, empowering you to unlock your inner potential. 

Through the integration of hypnotherapy, psychoeducation and life coaching, you will embark on a transformative journey toward greater confidence, self-awareness and personal fulfillment. 


Are you ready for positive change?
Get in touch today for your FREE strategy session – fill out the form below or call now!

Tax Deductions

For business owners and business leaders, professional development can be considered an investment in your future. You may be able to claim coaching fees as a self-education expense if the coaching relates specifically to your business or professional development and earning potential. Please check with your accountant to see how Confidence Control might be tax deductable*.


*Disclaimer: Confidence Control does not give taxation advice or legal advice relating to taxation. You should rely on the advice of your tax professional.


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