Unlock Your Potential, Rediscover your Inner Confidence



Reclaim your natural confidence!

Contrary to popular opinion, confidence is not something that you need to “discover” or “achieve”. Instead, it is all about REMOVING YOUR INSECURITIES to allow your NATURAL CONFIDENCE to return. 

About Us

No matter who we are, we are all born 100 percent confident!

Think about it – a baby is born FULL OF CONFIDENCE!

A baby doesn’t crawl into a room worrying about why people are staring at it. Nor is it concerned that it is wearing clunky nappies when everyone else is fully clothed!

A baby has no reason at all to doubt itself. It is born fully confident! This is because it hasn’t yet been bombarded with criticisms and told it is not good enough.

However, as life goes on, the inevitable criticisms of others begin to erode that growing child’s innate confidence – then insecurities are programmed into the baby’s subconscious mind. 

Criticisms from your parents, teachers and others, such as: “Why Did You Do That?!” and “You’re No Good!” become internalised. And then you actually begin to believe those criticisms as truths about yourself. This becomes your life script.

Childhood experiences and the attitudes of our parents and others we encounter throughout our lives give us a false impression of our worthiness and our ability to cope.  They become your inner narrative, your “truth”, and they inform the way you perceive yourself. This leads to major insecurities which erode your innate confidence. 

Traumatic life experiences also compound these negative effects. This is why those who suffer trauma have confidence issues.



My comprehensive and unique Confidence Control program utilises highly effective, evidence-based modalities – hypnotherapy, psychoeducation and life coaching – to empower you to remove those insecurities that have been programmed into you throughout your life. This enables you to rebuild your inner confidence and achieve your goals. 

Insecurities are LEARNED BEHAVIOURS and we are all capable of learning NEW BEHAVIOURS


A powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming limiting beliefs.
Through guided hypnosis sessions, you will be able to:

  • Identify and overcome negative thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs. 
  • Enhance self-esteem and develop a positive self-image.
  • Visualise success and reinforce confidence-boosting affirmations.
  • Manage stress and anxiety effectively to promote overall wellbeing.

Solution-Focused Psychoeducation

Using evidence-based principles from psychological and behavioural sciences to provide you with valuable knowledge and skills to understand the psychological aspects of confidence-building. Topics covered include;

• Understanding the psychology of confidence and self-esteem.
• Recognising and challenging cognitive distortions.
• Assertiveness training and effective communication skills.
• Stress management techniques and resilience-building strategies.
• Body language and non-verbal communication for projecting confidence.


My personalised life coaching sessions complement the program’s hypnotherapy and psychoeducation
components by providing you with individualised support and guidance. I will work closely with you to:

  • Set specific, achievable goals related to confidence and personal development.
  • Develop personalised action plans and strategies for goal attainment.
  • Provide accountability, motivation, and encouragement throughout the process.
  • Address any obstacles or challenges encountered along the way.
  • Foster a supportive and empowering coaching relationship with you that is focused on
    your growth and progress.


The Benefits of Confidence Control

  • Improved self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Enhanced assertiveness and communication skills.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety levels.
  • Increased resilience and ability to overcome setbacks.
  • Greater clarity, focus, and motivation to pursue goals.
  • Enhanced overall well-being and quality of life.

Confidence is contagious; so is lack of confidence ― Vince Lombardi

Who is the Confidence Control Program for?

My unique program gets to the very heart of confidence challenges. It can benefit a wide range of people, including:

Individuals with Low Self-Esteem. Those who struggle with feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or negative self-talk can benefit from learning strategies to improve their self-esteem and confidence.

Students of all ages: Students facing academic pressures, peer relationships, or career aspirations can benefit from building confidence and self-esteem to excel in their studies and personal development.

Professionals seeking career advancement, leadership roles, or navigating workplace challenges can benefit from enhancing their confidence and self-esteem to excel in their careers and leadership roles.

Individuals going through life transitions such as job changes, gender issues, relationship shifts, or geographical relocation can benefit from my program to navigate these changes with resilience and adaptability.

Entrepreneurs and business owners facing challenges such as self-doubt, fear of failure, or imposter syndrome can benefit from boosting their confidence and self-esteem to pursue their goals and grow their businesses.

Athletes, performers, musicians and public speakers seeking to overcome performance anxiety, stage fright, or self-doubt can benefit from confidence-building techniques to excel in their respective fields.

Individuals who have experienced trauma or abuse often struggle with low self-esteem and confidence. A program tailored to their needs can help them rebuild their sense of self-worth and resilience.

Anyone interested in personal growth, self-improvement, and living a fulfilling life can benefit from a confidence and self-esteem program to unlock their full potential and live authentically.

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